Reckitt Benckiser Moved to Dorottya Udvar

Reckitt Benckiser, a global force in household, health and personal care has signed an office lease for 1,400 sq m in Dorottya Udvar. The Hungarian affiliate of the world leader company has already moved in the award-winning office complex of South-Buda.

Commenting on the transaction Jake Lodge, Head of Asset Management CEE at AXA REIM said: „We are happy to welcome Reckitt Benckiser to Dorottya Udvar. This prestigious global company is a great addition to the building’s other esteemed tenants. We are proud that many well-know international corporations established their headquarters with us and we continue to provide the most productive background for their business operations.”


Judit Varga, Head of Office Agency at CBRE Budapest added: “This move presents an upgrade in Reckitt Benckiser’s accommodation in many ways. With this long term contract the company will not only occupy a larger office area than at their previous location, but can also benefit from the green, quiet and inspiring working environment Dorottya Udvar offers.