Former Renault HQ turning into an innovative start-up center
Renault has successfully sold its office building on Róbert Károly ringroad in Budapest. „‘Aranypart’ RE Investment Fund, the new owner with Swiss-Hungarian investor background, has already asked for the permit for the unique in- and outside remodeling of the building.” – said Roland Bogár, Investment Services associate of Colliers International, the company representing the seller.
The building is planned to become multifunctional including several units. The upper floors will function as an incubator house for start-up companies participating in the Help2Startup incubation program. The lettable (co-working) office area totals up to 1,500 sqm where both domestic and foreign “start-uppers” are welcome to join the program. Becoming a dominant player of the domestic and regional start-up ecosystem is one of the key objectives of the incubator house.
The bio and natural products retailer to be opened on the ground floor plans to introduce a number of new products to the Hungarian customers.
The 350 sqm lifestyle center with twenty treatment rooms and a yoga room on the first floor will give visitors the option of alternative treatments of the non-traditional medicine. An Event Hall including a Bonsai Teahouse with a Japanese garden – also located on this floor – will host the events related to the services of the above mentioned units.
„The Help2Startup Center with its new architectural and interior design, unique service portfolio and excellent access by public transport would like to become the economic, cultural and lifestyle center – the „heart” – of the area. A compass in an accelerated world and all of this in a uniquely interesting, colorful, thought-through, harmonic and exclusive environment” – we’ve learned from the new owner.

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