Green office developer Skanska buys a new plot on the popular Váci Road office corridor in Budapest
Budapest, 21st April 2011 – Skanska’s newly bought site is situated on the Váci Road which is, according to the tenants, the most popular office location in Budapest. The financial stability and capacity of the company enables the expansion of its project portfolio and according to the strategy it will be followed by new acquisitions.
As Skanska is committed to sustainable development the new building will be built as per strict environmental policies. The company’s forthcoming office project will be developed at Váci Road 96.
Váci Road 96 is in the 13th District and easily accessible by all kinds of transportation. It is on the corner of the Váci Road and Süllő Street, next to the metro stations, in the heart of Pest and close to Buda as well. The services and infrastructure in the area are excellent for an efficient, sustainable office building. The size of the project will be approximately 26,000 square meters of gross leasable area. The design works are already ongoing and the construction is planned for the beginning of 2012.
“This new site exemplifies our strategy to start a new project every year in Hungary” says Andreas Lindelöf, Managing Director of Skanska Property Hungary. “Váci Road 96 will be a strategic location for companies that want to be close to their clients and be part of an established office location with accessibility by both public transportation and cars.”
Skanska’s current project is the LEED Platinum pre-certified Green House which is under construction and will be delivered in the second half of 2012. This 17,800 sq m sustainable office development is located on the corner of Kassák Lajos and Lőportár streets in the 13th District.
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