ProLogis, the leading global provider of distribution facilities, announced that it signed a new lease agreement for almost 11,000 square metres of office and warehouse space at ProLogis Park Wrocław III with Deichmann–Obuwie, a Polish branch of the largest chain of shoe stores in Europe. Construction will be completed in Q2 2011, when the facility is to be handed over to the customer for use.

This is the first lease agreement signed between ProLogis and Deichmann–Obuwie, a Polish branch of the Deichmann Group, the European leader in the footwear industry, employing more than 28,000 people worldwide. The Group has more than 2,700 stores in 19 countries. Deichmann is planning to serve the entire country of Poland and a part of Central and Eastern Europe from its new distribution centre at ProLogis Park Wrocław III.

“For us, the location and efficient adaptation of the space to our specific needs were the most important factors in making the decision on the selection of an office and warehouse facility,” said Wojciech Normand, vice president, Deichmann-Obuwie. “ProLogis won this contract because their consultants demonstrated knowledge, experience, creativity and flexibility in specifying the final arrangements.”

“The location of the warehouse in the vicinity of the airport, within city limits and near to the planned Wrocław Ring Road junction perfectly respond to the needs of our customer, Deichmann,” said Maciej Cieliczko, logistic and industrial space department director for  Colliers International, who was responsible for the transaction. “ProLogis offers top quality warehouse facilities adapted to the needs of their customers. These strengths, in combination with attractive lease terms and conditions, were compelling reasons for their customer to choose this location”.

“We are proud that it was ProLogis that signed the largest lease agreement in the Wrocław market in 2010,” said Ewa Zawadzka, leasing manager ProLogis Poland. “We wish Deichmann much success, and are looking forward to continuing our relationship with the company both in the park and throughout the CEE region.”

ProLogis Park Wrocław III currently consists of four buildings totalling 135,000 square metres. The park is located near the Wrocław Ring Road junction, 7 kilometres south-east of the city centre, in Graniczna street, close to the airport.

ProLogis customers at the park also include Asplex (Acer), Curylo Asterix, DHL, Emperia Holding, Intercars, Jees Polska, Pol Mat, Selena, Sonoco Poland and Uldo Polska.

ProLogis is the largest provider of distribution facilities in the Wrocław region, with a portfolio of four distribution parks (16 buildings) totalling 371,000 square metres.