HG Media Group moved to new office building

HG Media Group have found their new headquarters at Lisznyai Office Building with the assistance of Jones Lang LaSalle.

The main reason for HG Media to relocate their office was cost-efficiency. In this the new business environment, that suits better to the company’s business activities, cheaper and also more inspiring, HG Media is able to take advantage of the benefits given by locating all companies in one building. Another important aspect was that their clients can reach the company on the usual route as the group has been located in the 1st District for almost 10 years. HG Media Group has occupied the total office area of Lisznyai Office Building.


HG Media Group (www.hgmedia.hu) provide content development and communication consulting and establish niche communities. Their main members are: Hamu és Gyémánt Kft., HG 360 Kft., Media Services Magyarország Kft., Fotógyár Kft., HG PRISMA Kft. and Affiliate Network Kft. The company’s on- and offline communication consulting business unit provide planning of business and public communication, production and management as full service agency. 


Tarcza Pál Patrik,Senior Office Consultant of Jones Lang LaSalle said: „Many office buildings have been evaluated during the relocation planning of HG Media.  The company was searching for properties located in Buda near to their former office and it was also important to them to find a cost-effective, unique and inspiring office atmosphere in green environment. In the Lisznyai Office Building all these values were merged and I trust that in long term, HG Media Group will be satisfied with this choice. “


Tibor Krskó, Director of HG Media Grouphighlighted that Jones Lang LaSalle has saved a lot of time and energy to them, by introducing only those office buildings that met entirely the company’s needs. Jones Lang LaSalle was also helping the parties throughout the contracting and fit-out of the office.
