New Tenant has chosen Victoria Park Logistics Centre in Üllő

“A food industry company has decided to relocate its storage and logistics base to Viktória Park located in Üllő from the summer of 2011 – under a long-term lease agreement. The size of the leased space is almost 4 000 sqm, which area – beside storage spaces – also includes both office and service units.” – said Andrea Pusztai, associate director at the Industrial Agency of Colliers International Hungary.

When choosing the property, several factors were considered, such as location, high quality technical content, flexibility and price-value ratio as well.

The characteristics of Viktória Industrial Park Logistic Centre complied perfectly with all these criteria, since it is a high quality, newly built warehouse and office complex, located at the junction of the new and old main roads No. 4, close to the new section of the M0 highway and the international airport. As the result of the current lease transaction, the occupancy rate exceeds 60% regarding ground floor storage area.

The development of REM Property Zrt., covering a gross floor area of 41,500 sqm, is the third largest storage hall in Budapest, constructed speculatively to let.

Colliers International participated in the closing of the transaction as the exclusive agency representing the Landlord.