Auchan extends lease term and expands in Üllő
At the beginning of 2009 Auchan Magyarország Kft. announced a tender, in search of a logistics warehouse in addition to its existing base in Üllő, as a result of which Auchan moved to the neighboring Viktória Park Logistics Centre in Üllő in September 2009, leasing nearly 20,000 m2 of storage space. Thanks to this lease transaction, the company was thereby in charge of nearly 55,000 m2 within Üllő Industrial Park. In the autumn of 2009 – in the middle of the economic depression – this lease transaction was regarded as the largest within the Budapest market and its agglomeration.
As the continuation of this success story, Auchan Magyarország renewed their valid lease agreement during late summer in 2012, as well as expanded the size of the leased storage space by 15,000 m2. Thus the company currently has a total of 35,000 m2leased in Viktória Park Logistics Centre and operates with nearly 70,000 m2of storage within the industrial park.
Boncsér Péter, Supply and Logistics Director for Auchan, emphasized that in addition to the competitive pricing of the facility, trustworthiness, honesty and special attention to tenant’s requirements were the foundation of the partnership established with Auchan Magyarország. These conditions ensure the continuation of the newly extended business relationship in the future.
Csoma András, representative of Raiffeisen Ingatlan Vagyonkezelő Kft, stated that the owners welcomed the Auchan expansion plans and renewal agreement. As a result of this new transaction, a significant portion of the building is now leased.
The agency exclusively representing the leasing of the property is Colliers Magyarország Kft, who actively contributed during the first transaction and who advised the landlord during the process of the present renewal and expansion.

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